...Pentax camera!

I just got a new digital camera! It's a single lens reflex camera (SLR), so I have a lot more manual controls. I was happy with what I had before but I've always enjoyed photography. I don't like it when people just get the "latest thing", so I tried to get what makes sense for me. While researching cameras, I found that the digital Pentax cameras are compatible with older Pentax lenses (I think that Pentax is the only brand doing that). That is awesome for me because I've had a 35mm SLR collecting dust in my office for a few years now (who wants to develop film anymore?). I had the kit lens that came with my original Pentax camera and a Sigma telephoto lens. I've tried both on my new camera and they work (with some tweaking... people who don't want to mess around with settings shouldn't get one of these)!
I know that there are bigger names in the camera business but I feel loyal toward Pentax. They seem to make affordable cameras that work very well. I've taken a bunch of pictures so far, just trying to get my feel for the features and getting used to use an SLR camera again (I've been using point-and-shoot). Here are a couple of examples of my photos so far:

I am looking forward to re-shooting all of my jewelry with my new camera. :)